Saturday, January 1, 2011

February and March Special

We Are Offering The 
Cardio Pulse Wave Analysis for $25, a regular $75 at most Health Care Specialist and a regular $175 to $200 at a Medical Facility

Ask about our "House Hold Members" special.

    What’s your score? - Did you even know there’s a test?
     Would you like to …
·         know the age of your cardiovascular system?
·         know the flexibility or stiffness of your arteries?
·         verify that your supplement program is making a cardiovascular difference?
·         know if you are a 60 year-old with the cardiovascular system of a 90 year-old or a 30 year-old?  

Click Here to view Dr Tings video on the 
Cardio Pulse Wave Analysis aka BPro.

Richard Matwyshen, a Certified Technician of the Cardio Pulse Wave Analyzer, which is an FDA Certified Class II Medical Device, used to measure your arterial stiffness and cardiovascular health. This non-invasive device has proved to be 99.7% accurate when compared to invasive heart catheterization. 

Learn how to safely and naturally prevent, even reverse Heart and Cardiovascular Disease, Stokes, High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Triglycerides and how to impact the complications of Diabetes, ED, Pulmonary Disease,  and more!


You may have some form of heart disease 
if you are experiencing any of the following:
High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Depression, 
Arthritis, High Cholesterol, Chronic Pain, 
Fibromyalgia, Heart Attack, Stroke, Kidney Failure

Here are some of the conditions under the 
category of “Vascular Disease”:
Peripheral Artery Disease, Renal Artery 
Disease, Aneurysm, ED, many more

“It is time to take charge of your healthcare
and it begins with your Heart!”  Everyone 
should be tested!  Take advantage of 
our limited time special. 

To Schedule Your Appointment Call:
  Seed Time to Harvest at 352-427-5440  or e-mail Joy Matwyshen at


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